Features of virginia tobacco

Virginia tobacco is the most common variety in the world. The hue of the aged leaves tends towards yellow. Therefore, the raw material is often called Golden Virginia. The product is characterized by moderate strength and high sugar content. Therefore, it is used as the basis for most samples of smoking blends. What are the flavor properties of the presented tobacco? Let’s consider the question in detail in our publication.
Key features

Separate flavor intonations of Virginia tobacco manufacturers achieve thanks to the creation of specific conditions for growing the culture. The properties of raw materials depend not only on the geography of plantations, but also on the weather conditions during the season. The most important moment for determining the flavor of the future product is the ratio between the percentage of nicotine and sugar content. It is this indicator that influences the formation of specific intonations in the fermentation process.

Matured Virginia tobacco, as a rule, has a slightly sweetish, refined flavor. “Overripe” raw material gives a feeling of slight sharpness during smoking. In other words, the consumer feels a slight tingle on the tongue while absorbing the flavorful smoke.
Varieties of Virginia tobacco

There are a number of products of the Virginia variety. Each variant is distinguished by its individual flavor properties. Among the main types of such raw materials, the following variants are worth noting:
Golden Virginia – the shade of fermented leaves ranges from golden to bright yellow. The defining flavor feature is the presence of unobtrusive fruity motifs in the plume. This property is achieved by extracting a moderate amount of sugars from the structure by hot fermentation.
Dark Virginia – a variety of tobacco is characterized by a rich dark shade. All thanks to the processing of raw materials by fire drying and long aging. The tobacco is characterized by an extremely deep sweet flavor with barely noticeable smoky tones.
Red Virginia is a tobacco with a rich brown color. The flavor is also dominated by sweetish flavors. However, a slight sourness is revealed in the background.
Stoved Virginia is a specific type of product that allows the smoker to fully enjoy the pronounced fruity intonations. In the trail of tobacco there are distant hints of coffee tones.
Matured Virginia is a type of tobacco that stands out from other variants with a somewhat spicy character, which is achieved due to long aging.

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