Maklaud Exclusive Mister Mind Shisha

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Hookah Mind is a variation on the theme of the image of Mephistopheles.

Mephistopheles is an evil spirit in the mythology of the Renaissance, a literary character in the German folk book The Tale of Doctor Faust and a key figure in the philosophical drama Faust by I.V. Goethe.

However, Mephistopheles is only a starting point. In none of the classic works this hero appears as the absolute embodiment of evil. This is a contradictory, rebellious spirit, a detractor that punishes human vices, but also gives a chance to rise above oneself through trials of the soul, to manifest in oneself everything human in the highest sense of the word, all the most powerful features that we are endowed with according to the plan of the universal mind.

One of the facets of Mephistopheles is Woland from Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. Jester, cynic, mocker, but at the same time the deepest philosopher, thinker, who can access any meanings of the universe and the very essence of things.

Another well-known mythological image of this hero from the Scandinavian epic is the god Loki.

If we dig even deeper (and we don’t know how to do it differently), then all these characters are the so-called trickster.

The trickster is an archetype in mythology, folklore, and religion. A rogue, a mischievous person who commits illegal acts, not obeying the general rules of conduct. As a rule, the trickster aims to change the essence of the gameplay, situation and life, and does not act out of malicious intent. Not the game of life itself, but the process is important for the trickster.

In the analytical psychology created by C. G. Jung, the trickster is one of the archetypes of the collective unconscious.

This is the basic psychological structure that forms new ideas. The trickster is activated in the course of the development of society in those social strata in which the value system begins to differ significantly from the dominant one. The trickster is a mechanism for the formation of new contents of the psyche, which should ensure its greater balance and integrity.



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